Registered Family Mediator  - Charlene Edwards

Welcome!  My name is Charlene. I am a dedicated family mediator committed to helping families navigate challenging times and find peaceful resolutions.

I firmly believe that families are best equipped to make decisions that serve their unique circumstances. As a mediator, I will guide you to understand your options, exploring creative solutions and reaching agreements that prioritise the well-being and interests of all involved, especially the children.

I am a trained mediator, registered with the Family Mediation Council (FMC) and a member of the Family Mediation Association.  I am able to mediate in all areas of family dispute, including matters concerning children, financial arrangements and property.  I am additionally a Civil and Commercial Mediator.

I am a qualified social worker with 40 years experience working with children, young people and families and an accredited Coach with a particular interest in Solution Focused practice. My background in the social care field, which included working directly with individuals, chairing multi agency meetings and facilitating complex family dynamics, is particularly informative to my work as a family mediator. 

Thank you for visiting my page. I look forward to working with you.